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Pugmills and Extruders > Specialised Pugmills and Tables
A range of specialised and professional pugmills for the pottery industry.
The Gladstone tile extruder is a very versatile machine, besides extruding tiles, mouldings, coils etc can be extruded with the use of the optional die plates
£11,604.00 (£9,670.00 Ex VAT)
The G71 has been designed to compliment the G70 Tile extruder in the efficient production of extruded tiles
£2,880.00 (£2,400.00 Ex VAT)
Has been designed to compliment the G70 Tile extruder
£2,160.00 (£1,800.00 Ex VAT)
A new concept in Gladstone's pugmill range, the G78 is a batch mixing pugmill, an extremely versatile machine.
£7,080.00 (£5,900.00 Ex VAT)
Specialised Pugmills and Tables

Specialised Pugmills and Tables
G70 Tile Extruder

£11,604.00 (£9,670.00 Ex VAT)

G71 Tile cutting table

£2,880.00 (£2,400.00 Ex VAT)

G72 Tile Extruding Table

£2,160.00 (£1,800.00 Ex VAT)

G78 Mixer Pugmill
£7,080.00 (£5,900.00 Ex VAT)