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Glaze Preparation >
We provide a range of sifters, mixers and rollers.
This rapid glaze mixer is ideal for quick uniform mixing of glazes.
£624.00 (£520.00 Ex VAT)
The Gladstone Jar Mills are used to grind ceramic materials in porcelain jars of varying capacity.
£1,920.00 (£1,600.00 Ex VAT)
The Gladstone Jar Mills are used to grind ceramic materials in porcelain jars of varying capacity.
£2,136.00 (£1,780.00 Ex VAT)
Gladstone produce a wide range of multiple tier mills, all are capable of using a wide combination of jars.
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Glaze Preparation

G80 Glaze Mixer

£624.00 (£520.00 Ex VAT)

G90 Jar Mill

£1,920.00 (£1,600.00 Ex VAT)

G91 Jar Mill

£2,136.00 (£1,780.00 Ex VAT)

G96 Multi Tier Jar Mill

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