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Pugmills and Extruders >
Gladstone manufacture a range of pugmills and extruders for both the studio and educational environments.
Specifically designed for the studio and classroom environment
£2,556.00 (£2,130.00 Ex VAT)
Optional interlocked safety switch for Pugmills
£552.00 (£460.00 Ex VAT)
mounted vertically this has the added benefit of a small foot print
£5,232.00 (£4,360.00 Ex VAT)
mounted vertically this has the added benefit of a small foot prin
£6,816.00 (£5,680.00 Ex VAT)
The G48 is a 70 mm out let de-airing pugmill this machine can be offered in range of specifications and is ideal for the small studio or educational use as it only takes 7Kgs of clay to fill the machine up.
£5,700.00 (£4,750.00 Ex VAT)
The G76 is a 75 mm out let de-airing pugmill this machine can be offered in range of specifications and is ideal for the small studio or educational use.
£7,200.00 (£6,000.00 Ex VAT)
The only production Vertical de-airing pug mill
£7,812.00 (£6,510.00 Ex VAT)
The G54 is the largest outlet machine at 100 mm it is capable of producing up to 500 kilos per hour of clay and is extremely robust in construction
£10,380.00 (£8,650.00 Ex VAT)
The Gladstone tile extruder is a very versatile machine, besides extruding tiles, mouldings, coils etc can be extruded with the use of the optional die plates
£11,604.00 (£9,670.00 Ex VAT)
The G71 has been designed to compliment the G70 Tile extruder in the efficient production of extruded tiles
£2,880.00 (£2,400.00 Ex VAT)
Has been designed to compliment the G70 Tile extruder
£2,160.00 (£1,800.00 Ex VAT)
A new concept in Gladstone's pugmill range, the G78 is a batch mixing pugmill, an extremely versatile machine.
£7,080.00 (£5,900.00 Ex VAT)
Pugmills and Extruders

Wall Extruder and Dies
G49E 50mm Pugmill

£2,556.00 (£2,130.00 Ex VAT)

G56 Interlock switch for Pugmills

£552.00 (£460.00 Ex VAT)

G53 Vertical Pugmill

£5,232.00 (£4,360.00 Ex VAT)

G55 Vertical Pugmill

£6,816.00 (£5,680.00 Ex VAT)

De-airing Pugmills
G48 70mm de-airing Pugmill

£5,700.00 (£4,750.00 Ex VAT)

G76 75mm de-airing pugmill

£7,200.00 (£6,000.00 Ex VAT)

G77 75mm Vertical de-airing Pugmill

£7,812.00 (£6,510.00 Ex VAT)

G54 100mm de-airing Pugmill

£10,380.00 (£8,650.00 Ex VAT)

Specialised Pugmills and Tables
G70 Tile Extruder

£11,604.00 (£9,670.00 Ex VAT)

G71 Tile cutting table

£2,880.00 (£2,400.00 Ex VAT)

G72 Tile Extruding Table

£2,160.00 (£1,800.00 Ex VAT)

G78 Mixer Pugmill
£7,080.00 (£5,900.00 Ex VAT)